Wooden Bokken Daito Deluxe Asanoha 102 cm (40.1 inch) with tsuba - European Hornbeam

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  • $107.00
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This daito bokken is a truly piece of art. Bokken made of sturdy wood with hand-carved "Asa-no-ha" designs on the handle. This is one of the traditional Japanese patterns. It is a geometric pattern based on a regular hexagon. Asanoha pattern is often used to symbolize the healthy growth of children. Additionally, this pattern holds the meaning of protection against harm or evil spirits. This magnificent work of the master will give real pleasure to everyone who appreciates the art of martial arts. A great gift will decorate any interior. The blade of the sword has faces and a standard deflection. The tip of the sword is made in the classical form.

Set include: wooden bokken Daito Deluxe Asanoha, wooden tsuba.

Total length: 102 cm (40.1")
Handle length: 27 cm (10.6")
Weight: ~ 500 g
Deflection: 1.8-2 cm
Tsuka size: 3,6х2,5 cm
Material: European Hornbeam

European Hornbeam is one of the woods called “ironwood". It's hard, takes sheering forces well, and is almost exemplary for practice weapons.Hornbeam wood has a beautiful white-gray shade, similar to ivory, with virtually no distinct fibers, such as ash or white acacia. This wood is a valuable species with a very high density.

* Weapon Stand/Holder is not included.
** The black bokken is treated with a special black impregnation and oil.

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